Your Mistake Doesn’t Have To Cost You Everything

One mistake, one moment of anger - and everything can change.

A domestic violence or assault charge might mean jail time and heavy fines. But it doesn’t have to cost you everything.

You need the right legal team on your side fighting for you. At Hunt & Hunt Law Firm in Longview, TX, we carefully review your case and dig into the details to challenge evidence against you. We don’t let misunderstandings or emotions cloud the truth.

With our Longview, TX, legal team by your side, you’ll get a strong defense built on facts.

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Common Cases Our Assault Defense Lawyers Represent

  • Simple Assault

  • Verbal Assault

  • Aggravated Assault

  • Sexual Assault

  • Assault With A Deadly Weapon

  • Domestic Violence

Possible Consequences for Assault Charges

  • Your Peace of Mind Matter

    Simple Assault (Class A Misdemeanor)

    • Up to 1 year in county jail

    • Fines up to $4,000

  • Proven Success

    Aggravated Assault (Felony)

    • 2 to 20 years in prison (depending on the severity of the case)

    • Fines up to $10,000

  • Proven Success

    Assault Against a Public Servant (Felony)

    • 5 to 99 years in prison

    • Fines up to $10,000

What Counts As An Assault Charge in Texas?

In Texas, you can be charged with assault if you:

  • Physically injure someone (on purpose, knowingly, or recklessly)
  • Threaten someone with harm (on purpose or knowingly)
  • Make physical contact to provoke or offend someone

This can include actions like:

  • Spitting at someone
  • Slapping, punching, or kicking someone
  • Grabbing someone roughly (like pulling their arm or hair)
  • Pushing someone into a hard surface
  • Choking or strangling someone
  • Throwing an object at someone with the intent to harm or provoke

Even actions like threatening gestures or following someone too closely in a way that makes them feel unsafe, can sometimes be charged as assault.

Potential Defenses to Assault Charges

To convict you of assault, the prosecution must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s why having an experienced attorney to build a strong defense is crucial.

Some potential defenses are:

  • Self-Defense: In Texas, you have the right to protect yourself if you believe you are in imminent danger of harm. If you can prove that you acted in self-defense because you reasonably feared for your safety, the charges could be dropped or reduced.
  • Defense of Others: You may use force to protect someone else if they are in immediate danger. If you can show that you acted to defend a loved one or another person from harm, this can be a valid defense.
  • False Accusations: In some cases, assault charges may be based on false accusations. The alleged victim may have misunderstood the situation, or there may be a motive for lying (such as personal conflict or revenge). A thorough investigation can help uncover evidence that disproves the assault allegations.

Every assault case is different. A good defense attorney will help you understand your options and work to protect your rights.

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Lawyers for Assault Charges in Longview, TX

If you’ve been charged with assault, it’s important to get legal help as soon as possible to start building your defense.

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